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Chromosome Map

For those segments of DNA identified as ANDREWS or WINES

The chromosome map above (still coming) shows the more likely segments of DNA that MAY BE Andrews/Wines related.

The key lists the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) between the people whose initials are shown.
Where there is "anc." after the key name, the segment is part of a triangulated group (TG) of matches where we know there is a shared common ancestor, but have no idea, yet, where/when/who that shared ancestor is.

See also Lorna's
Andrews page, particularly for the branches of the family represented by FamilyFinder tests, and those not yet included.

Generation Estimates

The table below shows the estimated generations between the two test takers concerned as predicted from their shared DNA.
The row heading shows, for each GEDMatch ID, the test taker's initials, their generations down from either John ANDREWS/Rebekah WINES or William GIPSON/Mary HANHAM where the individual is generation zero, and the child of the couple they descend from.
The surname of the child is Andrews unless shown otherwise.
atDNA Generation Estimates Andrews/Gipson descendants
Generations estimates from atDNA shared between descedants of John ANDREWS/Rebekah WINES or William GIPSON/Mary HANHAM

Total DNA Shared

As for the generaton estimates above the table below shows the total atDNA shared between the two test takers concerned.
The row heading shows, for each GEDMatch ID, the test taker's initials, their generations down from either John ANDREWS/Rebekah WINES or William GIPSON/Mary HANHAM where the individual is generation zero, and the child of the couple they descend from.
The surname of the child is Andrews unless shown otherwise.
Total atDNA shared Andrews/Wines or Gipson/Hanham
Total atDNA shared between descendants of John ANDREWS / Rebekah WINES or William GIPSON / Mary HANHAM
It is fascinating to see which groups of families won the lottery of atDNA inheritance from the ancestral couples shown.