K Freeborn (F-21)

FatherGeorge Eric Freeborn
WebIntroFreeborn or Freeburns that settled at Young`s Point Peterborough Ontario circa 1820`s. Thomas Henry Freeborn and Sarah McKee emigrated from Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Ireland. After Sarah's death, Thomas married Mary Ann Freeman. Their son Thomas Freeborn married Sarah Jane Bateson and moved to Nogie's Creek. Their son George Bruce Freeborn married Ethel Telena Hill and lived in Bobcaygeon. Followed by Delbert Freeborn who married Ora Mae Nichols.
Lineage(TesteeDNASig)K was found to be part of Fairbairn Lineage 2a, click here for chart. 
ResearcherK(F-21) is researching the line of Thomas Henry Freeborn
Link2HaploGrpInfo(Group)Click here to see those sharing K's haplogroup (R-PF6913, confirmed from Geno 2.0 test.) 
DNAClick here to see the dna results for K and the other FAIRBAIRNs on these Supplementary DNA pages - may have to page down to appropriate haplogroup. 
ChartsLineage 2a2 - dna signature chart
Last Edited16 May 2014