Michael Fairbairn (F-22)

FatherRalph James Fairbairn
MotherJoyce Laverne Stephens
Y-DNA DetailMichael (F-22)'s results show him as having two unique markers which are assumed to typify his line: 19/394 = 16 (instead of everyone else's 14) and 570 = 20 (a faster mutating marker, but to date only this line as a value of 20).
They also show that he belongs to what looks like a subgroup within Lineage 1 "clump 2" starting to form, those with CDYb=39, comprising the Earlston and Smailholm lines, along with one of our IRWINS . 
WebLinkClick here to see further information on Michael and his/her family in the One Name Study. 
Lineage(Testee)Michael was found to be part of Fairbairn Lineage 1a, click here for chart. 
DNAClick here to see the dna results for Michael and the other FAIRBAIRNs on these Supplementary DNA pages - may have to page down to appropriate haplogroup. 
Last Edited8 Feb 2013