McAdie Webpages

WebLink(Family) Lorna's McADIE family from Watten and Wick, Caithness. 
WebLink(WorldConnect) Elizabeth's tree of George & Catherine (MULIKEN) from Watten and Wick, Caithness. 
WebLink(Family) Sheena's web pages for the same George and Catherine (Milliken) McADIE family
WebLink Dunbeath Heritage Centre Back in 1994 the Heritage Centre had a huge file of McADIE data. I later found that the basic information that the chap lodging the tree (then recently deceased) had used was from a wonderfully drawn family tree, literally that, with twigs, leaves etc, which I saw at Lieurary Mains. It was drawn by Ralph, son of Alexander McADIE and Isobel STEVEN. (My additions to this file incorrectly show me as Lorna McKenzie, rather than the McIntosh I then was!) 
WebLink(DNA) McADIE DNA Project Overview
Last Edited23 Jun 2013