R-S7361 /R-BY11755

Parent HaplogroupR-BY3146 / R-BY3127
Birth(Haplo)The TMRCA for tree branch of R-S7361 /R-BY11755 is estimated at circa 560 FTDNA Discover estimate formed about 560 (range 300-850) as at Oct 2023
YFull's estimate (Aug 2018) of 1500 years before "present" (1950), ie abt 450, an average of 1800-1250 ybp (Aug 2017 was 1650 ybp.) 
WebLink(YFull) R-S7361 position on overall R1b tree at YFull.com. 
WebLink TheBigTree
WebLink(FTDNADiscHap) FTDNA TimeTree for this haplogroup Check menu for more information. 
WebHighlightAug 2018 update:
yFull v. 6.04.19 of the tree shows R-S7361 now estimates TMRCA as 1500 ybp, an average of 1800-1250 ybp where the p of present being 1950
Aug 2017 update:
YFull is now on v. 5.05 of their tree (published 30 Jul).
R-S7361 is now estimated as being formed 1650 ybp, TMRCA 1150 ybp and has seven kits - two each iin three sub branches and one still in the generic R-S7361*
Two are the matching Hendersons in their newly formed sub group R-Y29908 (FTDNA R-BY19859).
Another two are the matching Andersons ditto in sub group R-Y32811 (FTDNA R-Y32814)
McWhannell remains at the generic R-S7361*

Feb 2017 update:
We now have 5 R-S7361 kits processed on BigY, 3 of them analysed at YFull, and on Alex Williamson's BigTree.

Nov 2016 update:
YFull time now estimates for the formation of R-S7361 is 1700 ybp, with TMRCA 1500 ybp.
On FTDNA, the L1065 SNP pack looks to contain both R-S7361 itself, and at least one SNP under R-S7361: R-S7362.
The Haplotree on FTDNA now shows three sub branches: the CTS5356 branch below (Sep), R-Z8432 which now has Cooper moved to it, and R-S7362.

However, to develop this branch of the tree further requires BigY or equivalent NGS testing, and it is highly recommended that the files produced be analyzed at YFull.com so all may benefit by the increased knowledge that results.

Sep 2016 update:
R-S7361 has had a bit of a revamp.
YFull time estimates show TMRCA as 1050 ybp
It now has a new branch (CTS5356), to which one of Bill Henderson's BigY matches, and the anonymous Human Genomes project kit have been moved on YFull, leaving Bill at a newly created R-S7361*, ie generic, no known sub branch - yet.

At May 2016 among all the Y-DNA SNP results currently available in the public domain only three persons have S7361 as a terminal SNP, a Henderson, a McWhannell, and either one, or two, anonymous individuals.

The earliest proven ancestors of two of these individuals are shown as "children" of S7361 linked below.

One of the anonymous ones is result 1461 (as listed in the Clan Gregor DNA Project Blog of January 2016 - scroll down to Fig. 3.)
All three are members of the Clan Gregor project (MacGregor Surname in FamilyTreeDNA's surname projects)
The other is an anonymous member of the Human Genomes project and appears under S7361 in both the YFull and the BigTree trees.

WebLink(FTDNADiscProj) Click here for FFLornaHen project on FTDNA Discover TimeTree information on this branch of the haplogroup tree. 
ChartsHaplogroup R
Last Edited15 Oct 2023

Sub haplogroups/tested lineages/testees
