WebIntro | The info from the Wellington County Ontario archives Fairbairn file ascribes an interesting mix of Fairbairn lineages to this couple. Comment: John son of John Fairbairn and Helen Anderson was baptized Feb 1760. He may, or may not, be the John married to Jane Romanis and living Grizzlefield, Earlston in the 1841 census. Assuming he was born shortly before he was baptized, he would be a slightly on the young side to marry Elizabeth Yule in 1776, but not impossibly so. This 1776 date is unconfirmed, but James the first known son of John and Elizabeth was baptized 1777. |
Birth | John Fairbairn ! was born 1755 Smailholm, Roxburghshire, Scotland . |
Marriage | He married Elizabeth Yule ! 1776 Shannabank Farm, Berwickshire, Scotland , (not immediately obvious on Scotlands People in Berwickshire.) |
Death | John Fairbairn ! died 1830 Darlington, Canada . |