Fairbairn Lineage 1c

(say 1750 - )
FatherFairbairn Lineage 1
WebIntroYet another matching line for Lineage 1, with no idea, as yet, has to how it connects to the other sub lineages.
This subgroup share slower mutating marker 460=11, with the closest matches being Lineage 1a, those FAIRBAIRNs on, or closest to, the modal over all of the I1 haplogroup.
Birth(EarliestLineage)The earliest pedigree for this lineage group was born say 1750. 
WebLink(DNAResults)Click here to see overall dna results for this surname project. 
Lineage(MemberLineage)DNA results show that Joe belongs to Fairbairn Lineage 1c
Lineage(MemberLineage)DNA results show that Ron belongs to Fairbairn Lineage 1c. 
Lineage(MemberLineage)DNA results show that Alexander belongs to Fairbairn Lineage 1c. 
Lineage(MemberLineage)DNA results show that Robert belongs to Fairbairn Lineage 1c. 
Last Edited9 Feb 2013